


'Dark as night'


March 15, 2022 marks two years of feeling ill after getting covid. 730 days of non stop chest pain, burning lungs, chronic headaches, sleeping problems, fevers and extreme fatigue. I'm not half the same person I was two years ago. Not the same mother, not the same wife, not the same friend. I've visited a ton of docters and therapists. No one knows what to do or if this wil ever go away. In the Netherlands alone there are over 70.000 people with similair symptoms. Many of them are not able to work or manage to work only a few hours a week, risking to loose their jobs and facing serieus financial problems in the near future. Health care workers, school teachers.... Since I'm not able to do street- or portrait photography at the moment, I started to create some artwork with self portraits. This I can do at my own pace and it helps me to express myself. Hopefully it will create some awareness. Not just for me but for everyone who is struggling with this monster.
'Dark as night'